Heaven Backwards

Trzsknyvi nv: Heaven Backwards
Trzsknyvi szm: 010/Royal-HB
Szletsi dtum: 2010 06. 02.
Fajtja: angol telivr
Neme: kanca

Heavenly Bandyt |
Harley Davidson OC |
Washington DC |
Strength of a Lady |
Brand New |
New Market |
Brianne |
Dreamer |
Sadie King |
Collins |
Sephora |
Dinamo Girl |

Itt fedez: -

Kpzse: galopp 1600m - 1800m
Eredmnyek szma: 71 db
- 1. hely: X.Paradise Kllem
- 1. hely: Opening Rewiev
- 1. hely: III. Okinawa Appearance
- 1. hely: 7th Mounth Appearance (galopp)
- 1. hely: Explosive Impetus Galopp (kllem) *abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: Fight of Thoroughbred *abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: The Cup of Best Galopping Horses
- 1. hely: Debrecen Derby
- 1. hely: Appearance of August
- 1. hely: Ladies&Gentlemen Race *abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: Szakgak Szpe Kllemvereny
- 1. hely: II. Besilu Bount
- 1. hely: Awesome Maria Tiszteletverseny
- 1. hely: Thoroughbreds Qualifications (kllem)
- 1. hely: Thoroughbreds Qualifications (idmr edzs)
- 1. hely: III. Months Appearance
- 1. hely: California Derby
- 1. hely: Appearance Everyone
- 1. hely: Run Girl, Run! Galopp
- 1. hely: Galopper's Horse
- 1. hely: Reopen Clover Galopp (kzptv)
- 1. hely: 1st Run for Clover Sands (kzptv)
- 1. hely: 1st Fortuna Galopp (kzptv)
- 1. hely: Thoroughbred Appearance (kanca)
- 1. hely: Mare's Appearance (nagylovak)
- 1. hely: Rainy Galopp (kzptv)
- 1. hely: I. Magical Race Cup (kzptv) *abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: Chocolate's Race (kzptv)
- 2. hely: Den Haag Handicap 2013
- 2. hely: I. Equestrian Competition
- 2. hely: I. PHR Szakgbajnoksg (galopp)
- 2. hely: PHR Mn&Kancaszemle
- 2. hely: 7th Mounth Appearance (kllem)
- 2. hely: Explosive Impetus Galopp (galopp)
- 2. hely: Color Star Appearance (szrke/deres)
- 2. hely: I. PP Mare Review
- 2. hely: My Pride
- 2. hely: I. Run for Chocholate Galopp
- 2. hely: Galopp Everyone
- 2. hely: Spring Derby
- 2. hely: Randwick Derby (1400m)
- 2. hely: Fajtakategris Kllem Kancknak
- 2. hely: I. Kanca Kupa (rvidtv)
- 2. hely: Chocolate's Race (kllem)
- 2. hely: Thoroughbred Review (angol telivr - kanca)
- 3. hely: Welcome New Year Complex Competition
- 3. hely: Galopp Appearance
- 3. hely: Galopp Fire
- 3. hely: Leauge of Legends (galopp)
- 3. hely: Garfield Appearance (galopp)
- 3. hely: Garfield Appearance (kllem)
- 3. hely: Game, Set Match Cup
- 3. hely: Explosive Impetus Kupa (galopp)
- 3. hely: Thoroughbred Appearance
- 3. hely: Trsoldalak Versenye
- 3. hely: Kincsem Dj
- 3. hely: Simple Galopp Race
- 3. hely: II. Fajtakategris Kllemverseny (angol telivr)
- 3. hely: DV Cup (1800m)
- 3. hely. I. Magical Race Cup (kllem)
Egyb helyezs:
- 4. hely: Simple Galopp
- 4. hely: Bard of Avon
- 4. hely: I. Paralia Derby
- 4. hely: Thoroughbreds Qualifications
- 4. hely: Christmas Derby
- 4. hely: II. Thoroughbred Appearance (kanca)
- 4. hely: II. Black or White Appearance (kanca)
- 5. hely: Emirates Stakes Day (1600m)
- 6. hely: Reopening Grand Tour Competitions
- 7. hely: I. Magyar Derby
Minstsei: 18xELITE
5xBest, 2xNice, 5xGood, 4xBetter, 4xExcellent, 2xGreat, Pretty, Fastest, Elite Appearance Horse, Good Galopp Horse, Good Horse in Patanevelde, The Most Beautiful Horse in Patanevelde, Una Esperanza Champion, Perfect Racehorse, Promising Horse, 2nd Placed of Den Haag Handicap 2013, 2nd placed I. Equestrian Competition, GOOD Galopp Horse, GOOD Horse on PHR, Good galopp Horse in PHR, Best in Okinawa, 1st in III. Okinawa Appearance, Nice in Okinawa, 1st in Galopp Fire, Nice Mare, 2nd placed in PHR Mn&Kancaszemle, Equine Galopp Talent, ELITE HORSE IN 7 MONTH APPEARANCE, BEST HORSE IN 7 MONTH APPEARANCE, GOOD l a Garfield kllem versenyen, GOOD l a Garfield galopp versenyen, Fine in Melodia, 2nd Placed of Explosive Impetus Galopp, Better Horse in Explosive Impetus Galopp, Winner of Explosive Impetus Galopp-Appearance, 1st Placed of Explosive Impetus Galopp-Appearance, Absolute Winner of Explosive Impetus Galopp-Appearance, Champion's Champion, Good Horse in Galopp Category, 3rd Placed of 'Game, Set, Match' Cup, 3rd Placed of I. Explosive Impetus Kupa, Good Horse in I. Explosive Impetus Kupa Galopp Category, Nice Horse of Color Star Appearance, 2nd of Color Star Appearance, NICE HORSE, Nice Mare, Nice Horse in Partner Sites respectful competition, The Best of Explosive Impetus LK, Champion's Champion, Elite Thoroughbred in Gallop Category, 1st placed on Fight of Thoroughbreds, ELS A DEBRECEN DERBY GALOPP VERSENYEN, Infernus Champion, Good Horse on I. Paralia Derby, 4th on I. Paralia Derby, Nice Horse on I. PP Mare Review, The Most Beautiful Horse in August, 1st placed on Appearance of August, Absolute Lady on L&G Race, Absolute Winner on L&G Race, 2nd placed in my Pride from SJC, 1st in III Besilu Bount Race Cup, 1st palced Galopp horse in PHR, Beauty of November, The best of Saratoga Race Course III. Months Appearance, 4th of the Christmas Derby, 2nd placed on I. Run for Chocolate Gallop, #2 Gallop Horse at Wild Rose, Winner of the California Derby, Nice Galopp Horse in Simple Galopp Race Part I., Best Galopp Horse in Galoppers' Race, Great Horse in Emirates Stakes Day, Excellent Galopp Horse, 3xTop Galopp Horse in Clover Sands, Good Galopp Horse in DV Cup, Beautiful Cheval Horse
