[101-82] [81-62] [61-42] [41-22] [21-2] [1-1]

Mold Strike & Hellfire & Great Bahamas & Rains of Jericho & The Agent 007 from Rain and Jericho & Wings of the Valkyrie & Sleipnir's Chaser

Viking X-23 & Thrin & Silver Spring & Hellfire & Great Bahamas & Rains of Jericho & The Agent 007 from Rain and Jericho & Aamahni & Adactylus RS & Carvalho de Italiano & Tulipan XVI. Zintos

Great Bahamas & Silver Leona & Thrin & Sthersblakken Lucia & Biophelia & Silver Spring & Rouge D'or & Mold Strike & Rains of Jericho & Wings of the Valkyrie & Aamahni & Hellfire & The Agent 007 from Rain and Jericho & Sleipnir's Chaser & Carvalho de Italiano

Viking X-23, Thrin, Lucia, Biophelia, Silver Spring, Rouge D'or, Mold Strike, Hellfire, Great Bahamas, Rains of Jericho, The Agent 007, Silver Leona, Wings of the Valkyrie, Sleipnir's Chaser , Aamahni, Adactylus RS, Carvalho de Italian ,Tulipan XVI. Zintos , Al Mualim

Wings of the Valkyrie & Silver Leona & The Agent 007 & Great Bahamas
[101-82] [81-62] [61-42] [41-22] [21-2] [1-1]